Hvala vsem, ki ste se prijavili in se vidimo na kongresu!

Za morebitna vprašanja nam pišite na ali


Thank you to everyone who registered and see you at the congress!
For any questions, write to or



Ime (Name):

Priimek (Last name):


Domači naslov, poštna številka, kraj (Home Address):

Član SZPHO - Da/Ne (Member SZPHO - Yes/No):

Poklic (Occupation):

  zdravnik (physician)
  dipl. med. ses./dipl. zn, VMS (nurse)
  SMS/ZT (nurse)
  farmacevt (pharmacist)
  psiholog (psyhologist)
  socialni delavec (social worker)
  student  (student)

 upokojen zdravstveni delavec  (retired health worker)
 drugo (other):

Plačnik - ime ustanove, naslov, davčna številka (Payer - name of the institution, address, tax number) :

Udeležba (Participation) :

 v zivo (Live)

 virtualno (Virtual)

Datum prijave (Date of application) :



Vabljeni ste zdravniki vseh specialnosti, medicinske sestre, socialni delavci, psihologi, duhovni spremljevalci oziroma vsi, ki oskrbujete bolnike z neozdravljivimi boleznimi!

Število mest je omejeno (v ŽIVO in ON-LINE), zato svetujemo, da s prijavo pohitite.

Prijave bomo sprejemali po načelu vrstnega reda ob prejeti prijavi.

Prijave na mestu kongresa, na dan dogodka niso možne.


Prijave do 15. septembra:

Zdravniki, SMS/ZT, DMS/VMS 250 €
Farmacevti, psihologi, socialni delavci in drugi zdravstveni sodelavci
200 €
Člani SZPHO (pristopnica za nove člane: €
Študentje, upokojeni zdravstveni delavci (število mest je omejenih)Brezplačno

Omejeno število študentov in  upokojencev je oproščeno plačila kotizacije. Za študente se štejejo: študenti dodiplomskega študija medicinske, zdravstvene, socialne, psihološke, teološke smeri. Podiplomski študentje, doktorski študentje, študentje brez statusa, študentje ob delu ipd. se ne štejejo med študente brez kotizacije.

Kotizacije so oproščeni vabljeni predavatelji.

V kolikor so prispevki rezultat dela skupine ljudi, je kotizacije oproščen le eden - tisti, ki aktivno predstavlja vsebino na kongresu.

Avtorji posterjev niso oproščeni kotizacije, razen če sodijo v katero od zgornjih kategorij.

Enodnevnih kotizacij ni.

V petek zvečer je slavnostna podelitev diplom. Kdor pride samo na podelitev, kotizacije ne plača.

Prijava na kraju ni možna.

Prijave po 15. septembru:

Vsi .............................................................................. 300 €

Cene ne vključujejo DDV.

V kotizacijo je vključeno:

• udeležba na predavanjih

• E-zbornik predavanj

• pijača/prigrizek med odmori

• kosilo med predavanji

• potrdilo o točkah

Morebitne odpovedi po 10. 10. 2023 niso več možne.

Doctors of all specialties, nurses, social workers, psychologists, spiritual companions and everyone who help patients with incurable diseases are invited!

Registration:  The number of places is limited, so please register promptly.

Applications will be accepted according to the principle of the order of the receipt received.

Applications by 15th September:

Doctors, nurses  250 €
Pharmacists, psychologists, social workers200 €
Members of SZPHO (application for new members: 150 €
Students, retired health workers * free
* There is a limited number of places. 

Applications after 15th September

Everyone 300 €

Price does not include VAT.

A limited number of students and retirees are exempt from paying the registration fee. The following are considered students: undergraduate students of medical (doctors, nurses), social, psychological, theological course. Postgraduate students, doctoral students, students without status, part-time students, etc. are not counted among students without registration fee.

Invited lecturers are also exempt from registration fees. If the contributions are the result of the work of a group of people, only one person is exempt from the registration fee - the one who actively presents the content at the congress.

Poster authors are not exempt from registration fees unless they are into one of the above categories.

There is a graduation ceremony on Friday night. Anyone who only comes to the award does not pay the registration fee.
There is no one-day registration fee.

Registration is not possible on the day of congress.


Registration fee includes:

• participation in lectures

• written collection of lectures

• confirmation of the ZZS points of applications: External link opens in new tab or

Any cancellations after 10 October 2023 are no longer possible.

Organizatorji (Organizers)